Bansko Lyžařské balíčky ceny
Naše ceny online jsou až o 50% nižší než ceny lyžařských služeb v střediscích. Skipasy obdržíte od našeho zástupce v letovisku ráno v den zahájení lyžařských služeb nebo předchozí večer - po dohodě s ním. Nemusíte čekat u pokladny lanovky, což může trvat až 2 hodiny v hlavní sezoně. Rezervované lyžařské vybavení dostanete z určeného skladu, ke kterému Vás nasměřuje náš zástupce. Skipasy jsou výhradně POUZE pro osobní použití. Důležitě: okamžitá online rezervace lyžařských služeb je možná nejméně 3 dny (7 dnů v Bansku) před začátkem lyžařských služeb. Rezervace lyžařských služeb, která začíná během následujících 3 dny(7 dnů v Bansku), je možná na vyžádání.
Zástupce in Bansko (December - March): Maria Shteiner / +359 887230121
Lyžařská sezóna 2023/24 ski packs
Lyžařské služby - poznámky
Prices are in Euro per person and are valid only for pre-booked on this website ski services, but not on spot in the resort. Snowboard service provided only to clients aged 12 and over. Ski or snowboard school starts to expire from the first day of ski pass validity if booked in a package. 3,6,9 and 13-day full and other snowboard packages in Bansko include only 3 days of 2 hours per day snowboard tuition. The ski school is for children from 7 years old. Infant packages include a lift pass.
OUR MEETING POINTS AND HOURS ARE: EUPHORIA BAR & GRILL at 08:30 (every days except on Sundays) QUEENS PUB at 17:30 (every day)
An additional deposit of 5.00 Bulgarian levs is due for every prepaid lift pass, which you will receive back when you return the pass to our representative after the end of its validity.
Infants are children up to and including 6 years, accompanied by an adult who has booked lift pass will get for free lift pass with the same duration. A proper child age document is required.
Seniors aged 65+ benefit from a 20% discount on all prepaid ski services.
MOUNTAIN INSURANCE is included for each lift pass purchased within the above packages. Ski / Snowboard Evening is an event organized by the ski / snowboard instructor after the end of the tuition when you will get a certificate issued by the ski / snowboard school. The ski school provider is ULEN PLC.
SKI / SNOWBOARD LESSONSThe group ski lessons are daily from 10:00 - 12:00 h. and 13:00 - 15:00 h. The group snowboard lessons are from 10:00 - 12:00 h.
During school holidays, the regular ski groups might be with 20 or more people. Therefore we advise you to book an individual 9private) ski tuition.
SKI KINDERGARDEN / JUNIOR SKI CLUB - Open daily from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. - Located right by the slopes, at the top of the Gondola Lift - Cares for children 4 7 years, under supervision - Snow-play, ski-equipment, daily 1 2 hours tuition first steps on ski as to teach and improve skiing - Lunch and all in atmosphere, where the accent is on fun - Prices from 30 EUR for one day to approximately 180 EUR for 6 days - Bookings are paid on spot
Booked lift passes you can receive from our representatives in Bansko Luben Handzhiev (tel. +359 884 877 037) and Maria Shteiner (tel. +359 887 230121) or click to contact by e-mail).
OUR MEETING POINTS AND HOURS ARE : EUPHORIA BAR & GRILL at 08:30 (every days except on Sundays) QUEENS PUB at 17:30 (every day)
An additional deposit of 5.00 Bulgarian levs is due for every prepaid lift pass, which you will receive back when you return the pass to our representative after the end of its validity.
Please, note that all ski services are subject of cancellation up to 48 hours prior the starting date. All ski services are non-refundable after the starting date, including in case of injuries, poor weather conditions, electricity fails, etc. The customers are responsible for the hired ski/snowboard equipment. Lost, broken or damaged equipment has to be paid to the ski shop staff. Pricelist for lost, broken an damaged equipment is: 1. Skis - 320.00 levs /adult ; 220.00 levs /child 2. Snowboard 250.00 levs 3. Ski boots 250.00 levs / adult and child 4. Snowboard boots 100.00 levs 5. Poles 25 levs And invoice and a declaration will be issued upon the payment.